Philip Alvey

Drucilla Sothoron, b. 1805 in St. Mary's Co., MD, d. 1874 at Elwood, Madison Co., IN; m. on 29 Dec 1826 in St. Mary's Co., MD, Philip Alvey, son of James Alvey & Sarah Burroughs, b. 1800 in St. Mary's Co., MD, d. Apr 1868 at Elwood, Madison Co., IN. Both are buried at Elwood Cemetery, Elwood, Madison Co., IN. (

** Marriage & Children

The grandfather of James Carrol Alvey (husband of Nettie May Gibbons), John Alvey (1791-1840), was a brother of Philip Alvey (1800-1868), husband of Drucilla Sothoron. (Jeffords*)

Drucilla Sothoron married Philip Alvey in 1805. (* {Church Records - Batch # F836452, Source # 1395541})

Philip Alvey licensed on 29 December 1826 in St. Mary’s Co., Maryland, to marry Drucilla Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:314)

Drucilla Sothoron (born 1805 in St. Mary’s Co., died 1874 in Madison Co., IN) married Philip Alvey (born 1800 in St. Mary’s Co., died April 1868 in Madison Co., IN). (Alvey*, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1826.12.29)

Received part of estate of Francis Sothoron as husband of Francis’ daughter Drucilla (see Francis’ Notes).

Samuel Alvey born to Philip & Drucilla Alvay on 23 March 1833. Baptized at Alvay's place on 15 October 1833. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Recorded 1833.10.15, Charles Co., MD)

Philip Alvey, born in about 1809, emigrated to Franklin Co., Indiana in 1839, where he died. His children moved to Indiana with him: Charles (born 1830), Julia Ann (born 1832) & Samuel (born 1834). (Fresco(1)* :485)

** Federal Census schedules - Indiana

1840 Census (1840.06.01) Six Mile Precinct, Madison Co. - pg 118 - Philip Alvay

Free white males under 5...1
5 - 9...1
10 - 14...1
30 - 39...1
females 10 - 14...1
30 - 39...1
Engaged in agriculture...1

1850 Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.07) Brookville Township, Franklin Co. - pg 278A (555), Ln 51, 16/16

- Philip Alvy - 50 year old male Huxter, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $1,000.

- Drusilla        “ - 45 year old female, born in Maryland.

- Charles         “ - 20 year old male Farmer, born in Maryland.

- July Ann       “ - 19 year old female, born in Maryland, attended school within the year.

- Samuel         “ - 16 year old male, born in Maryland, attended school within the year.

- Washington   “ - 12 year old male, born in Iowa, attended school within the year.

- Jefferson       “ - 9 year old male, born in Indiana.

- William        “ - 7 year old male, born in Indiana.

- Elizabeth      “ - 4 year old female, born in Indiana.

- John              “ - 2 year old male, born in Indiana.

- ( “Color” was blank for all these entries)

1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.09) Brookville Township, Franklin Co. - Pg 16, Ln 12, 111/108

- Phillip Aulvey - 58 year old Retired Farmer who can neither read nor write. Real property valued at $3,000, and personal property at $2,000. Born in Maryland.

- Drucilla        “ - 55 year old female, born in Maryland, who can neither read nor write.

- Jefferson       “ - 18 year old male Farm Laborer, born in Indiana. Attended school within the year.

- Julia Ann      “ - 25 year old female Domestic, born in Maryland, can neither read nor write.

- William J      “ - 16 year old male Farm Laborer, born in Indiana, attended school within the year.

- Mary E.        “ - 14 year old female, born in Indiana, attended school within the year.

- John F.          “ - 11 year old male, born in Indiana, attended school within the year.

- Martha J. Green - 6 year old female, born in Indiana, attended school within the year.

- (“Color” was blank for all these entries)

** Miscellaneous

Philip Alvey & Drucilla his wife of St. Mary’s Co. deed to Richard C. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $10 their interest in Sothoron's Hills, 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, 21 acres; and Long Yorkshire, 25 acres. (Land Rec Abstracts . F#1{StM#3A}:203, St. Mary’s Co., MD, 1834.10.11, Recorded 1834.12.09)


In the Name of the Benevolent Father of us all, I Philip Alvay(sic) of the County of Madison and State of Indiana do hereby make and ordain this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other Wills made by me at any other time.

1st - I direct immediately after death Executor pay all my debts out of my personal property, buryig me in as decent a manner as  my circumstances in life will admit.

2nd I direct that at the expiration of two years after my death my son Jefferson be given the Black mare.

3rd I direct that my son John when he becomes twenty one years old be given the Roan mare.

4th I direct that the balance of my property both personal and Real be given to my beloved wife Drucilla to remain hers for her support during her natural life or Widowhood and at that time my son John is to have the following described tract of land to wit.,  The South West quarter of the South East  quarter of Section one township twenty one (21) North of Range Six (6) East containing Forty acres more or less also at the same time my son Samuel be paid two hundred dollars also my son Washington be paid two hundred dollars also my son Jefferson be paid Four Hundred dollars also my Grand Daughter if she be living Emma daughter of Charles H. Alvay be paid Four Hundred dollars to remain here during her life and if she should die before having a child or children the sum Four hundred Dollars to fall back to July Alvay, Jefferson Alvay, Mary Alvay, & John Alvay if they should all be living but if any of hem should die before the division should be made leaving no heirs then their portion shall be equally divided among those of the four last named that are living and I hereby appoint my Worthy friend Buriah I. Calloway and my Wife Durcilla Alvay my executors In Testimony Whereof I have herein set my hand and seal this 3rd day of March 1868  /s/ Philip (his mark) Alvay (seal)

- Signed by us in his presence and by him in our presence

    A.J. Ross
   B.I. Callaway
   John Melross
(* - Indiana Wills & Probate Records, Wills 1:91, Madison Co., Indiana.  Probate entered on next page, dated 25 April 1868)

Philip Alvey, 1800 - 1868, is buried at Elwood Cemetery, Elwood, Madison Co., IN. Photograph shows marker but with no inscription displayed. (*)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.